Friday, December 3, 2010


The trees give us air. If we cut off all our trees we will all die! That is because without air we will not be able to breathe so that is the biggest reason we shouldn’t cut down the trees! People mostly cut down trees in Brazil where they cut more than 3,000,000 trees per year. In Indonesia they cut down almost 2,000,000 trees per year. There are many countries that have big forests which burn from a fire that forms a very hot day.
How to save trees???
You can save the trees by not wasting paper.
Not cut down trees
Planting trees

Newest Element!

NASA will announce later Thursday an explosive finding in the search for new life forms on Earth and beyond, a discovery that shifts what scientists consider necessary for life to exist. While details of the study are under embargo until 2:00 pm (1900 GMT), media leaks have already established that the findings relate to a bacteria that survives and grows on arsenic, uncovered deep in a California lake. Until now, biologists have said life requires six elements, known by the acronym CHNOPS: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. Those elements must take shape within three components of an organism: DNA, protein and fats.Every life form has DNA. It is the identifier that, for example, allows humans to reproduce other humans while mice give birth to mice.In other words, DNA is a molecule (called deoxyribonucleic acid) that gives life its biological instructions. All known life needs phosphorus, which serves as the backbone for these nucleic acids that make up life's genetic material.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Temperature vs Dispprsion

H2O's (water) boiling point is 100c and its freezing point is 0c. In fact one of the characteristic properties of H2O are boiling and freezing point. When H2O evaporates it turns into water vapor. Water vapor is a type of gas. When you freeze water it turns into ice. Ice is a type of solid. If you put ice on its melting point you will get H2O once again.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Meteor that fell in Serbia

One week ago there was a meteor that crashed in Serbia! It was a big news in all the medias. A meteor is a natural object created in space. Meteors can be big or small. The meteor that appears in the sky, broke down into many little pieces, that eventualy became dust. It happened exactly next to a city called Prokuplje in centeral Serbia. When the meteor crashed it broke into many little pieces so if you are looking for a piece it will look like a small rock, but people can not see the difference between a regular one and the meteor's leftovers! When it was in space it was in liquid form and when it was landing it changed into solid form. Astronomers study meteors and they say that the from the moment the meteor comes in the earth's atmosphere, to the moment it burns, only a few seconds pass, so people can't see it at all. The fact that the meteor fell on Earth does not make any bad effects on people.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Earthquake in Serbia

There was an earthquake in Serbia last night at 01:57 a.m. It was located in a city called Kraljevo, and damaged a lot of houses. Sadly, there were two people who died. In the capital city Belgrade, which is about 200 km away from Kraljevo, there was a man who got scared of the earthquake and jumped from the first floor and injured himself. The rating of the earthquake was 5.5!!! That is one of the biggest earthquakes in the history of Serbia. I woke up in 01:50 a.m. and so did my grandma when 7 minutes later the earthquake appeared. All I saw shaking in our building was my bed! I raced to my grandma's room and we quickly got out of our apartment and waited to see if anything is going to happen like the building colapsing! After it finished in 01:58 we went back to our television to see if they broadcasted the earthquake. There were only movies so we went back to my room and sat there for 10 minutes to see if there will be another earthquake. Since there was no other one, we went back to sleeep.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

States of Matter

States of matter
Expands large
H2O, Milk, Coke…
Rock, Wood, Glass

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

States of matter

There are three states of matter:
On heating solid expends real low and has no compressibility.On heating gas expends real large and is easily compressible.On heating liquid slightly expends and has a low compressibility.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What I know about matter

Matter is everything we touch.People think (for example) that a table is striate and flat but actually if you use a microscope you can see that it is not flat and strait at all.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Obren's goals for the year

My goals for the year are:
Have all my homework done on time
Be the best in class