Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Earthquake in Serbia

There was an earthquake in Serbia last night at 01:57 a.m. It was located in a city called Kraljevo, and damaged a lot of houses. Sadly, there were two people who died. In the capital city Belgrade, which is about 200 km away from Kraljevo, there was a man who got scared of the earthquake and jumped from the first floor and injured himself. The rating of the earthquake was 5.5!!! That is one of the biggest earthquakes in the history of Serbia. I woke up in 01:50 a.m. and so did my grandma when 7 minutes later the earthquake appeared. All I saw shaking in our building was my bed! I raced to my grandma's room and we quickly got out of our apartment and waited to see if anything is going to happen like the building colapsing! After it finished in 01:58 we went back to our television to see if they broadcasted the earthquake. There were only movies so we went back to my room and sat there for 10 minutes to see if there will be another earthquake. Since there was no other one, we went back to sleeep.


  1. This is a good summary of a scary event. However, please include what you read or watched to get this information from.
