Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mapping earthquakes and volcanoes

In science class we worked on our mapping skills and used latitude and longitude to plot Earthquake and Volcanic occurences on a world map. Since we learnt in Humanities how to find placed on a map using latitude and longitude. The question we were supose to answer was:  Is there a pattern in the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes?  Well...what do you think? My hypothesis is: I think there is a pattern because for example the earthquake in China. It caused a tsunami. So as you can see I believe that volcanoes and earthquakes do have a pattern.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reflection on questions

For this work I at first found this a bit hard. After I found it easy because I understood it. The question I found hard is How are minerals created and How can you identify a mineral. It took me about 15 minutes for both and about 5 minutes for the rest. I learnt a lot of interesting facts like diamond is the hardest mineral and pumes can flow on water. In conclusion in this unit I learnt many new things.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reflection On MT Etna

My Prezentation
I think I did very well on my project because I had a lot of information and a video about volcanos. The thing I dodn't like is that my partner was always telling me to shorten it up and he stoped the video in the middle. Our prezentatio wasn't missing anything. I think for my grade I will get a 5 or 6, because I was prepared and had a LOT of information. Unfortunently I only said half of it.
Other Prezentations
I learnt a lot about volcanoes during the prezentations. I think I mostly learnt from Luka's prezentation. He incpiered me about MT St Helen. It affects people because the volcanoes could erupt every minut exept if its extinkt so people should be alert if they are close to the volcano. It affects the world because when it erupts there will be fertile soil.