Monday, October 10, 2011

The search for Aliens Is About To Get More Intense

People over time, where very anxious to find out if there is any other form of life in the universe. Now that scientists are making a new telescope, called the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT for short) it will be even easier to find some kind of life in the universe, and if we are lucky, some planets!

15 European countries and Brazil, will be making the telescope. It will cost more than 1.5 billion USD. However, the telescope will only be ready by 2020, and the constructions won’t begin in a few years from now.  It will be built on the Cerro Amazonas Mountain, which is 3060 meters high. This mountain lies  in the middle of Chile’s  Atacama Desert. 

When the telescope is ready the E-ELT will be ten times more sensitive to normal and infrared light than the Very Large Telescope. This new telescope will be so powerful, that it would also be able to glean inside some of the oldest galaxies and help unlock secrets about how the universe evolved to its current state. With this telescope we will even be able to take pictures that are 15 times sharper than the Hubble Telescope. Having this kind of source, we will surely take some amazing pictures of the universe!


  1. I like how u wrote your blog post! you gave many details and explained it. Good job :)
    I don't believe in aliens, but it will surely be a great thing for researchers.
    And who knows, maybe they find some secret life in the universe... :)

  2. I think is very interesting how people are now more focused in aliens.
    Anyway your blog post gave a detailed bu simple way of explaining everything

  3. I have always been curious if aliens really exist. I think it is amazing that we will be able to prove it, soon.

  4. I always thought that there may be life on other planets but I have never heard of any evidence to support this. Perhaps this new telescope will be able to prove that life does exist on other planets.

  5. All my life I have been thinking if they really existed but in the deep of my heart I knew that we are not alone in the universe. I hope they will find something:)

  6. Obren, very interesting article, however none of it is in your own words. A reminder to you that copy-pasting this article is not what the current event assignment is all about and you do not get credit for someone elses writing skills. Please delete and rephrase in your own words.

  7. Hey! You did the exact same article as me
